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About this mod

Goddess and other super classes (English, 中文)
Tired of unfair battles? Download this mod and bully your enemies in all sorts of manners with these 10 perfectly imbalanced super classes.
These classes have 100+ unqiue abilities in total, including passives and counters. Each character (none-story only) can only unlock one of them.

Permissions and credits
Goddess and other super classes
Tired of unfair battles? Download this mod and bully your enemies in all sorts of manners with these 10 perfectly imbalanced super classes.
These classes have 100+ unqiue abilities in total, including passives and counters. Each character (none-story only) can only unlock one of them.
1): While other super classes are of similar level of overpoweredness, Goddess is just much stronger. A Goddess is a near-unkillable super weapon capable of almost anything: teleport/push enemies into water, instant-kill any individual unit, area-charm/beserk, sacrifice her life to give rebirth to all teammates and self-revive afterwards, spread tons of buffs to everyone, unleash team-killing spells...
2): ArchDruids are super-fragile spell casters who protects themselves by summoning vangels to battle. They comes with a range of AOE support abilities.
3): Aethers are advanched mages who cast elemental spells in straight lines, these spells often have additional effects other than direct damage. Some of their damage is based on magical resistence. Aethers also have unique healing and stasis abilities.
4): Majesters are archer-casters specialized in water, thunder and holy magic. They have mana-efficient short range spells which lack in share power, and extraodinary powerful long range spells which are mana-inefficient, all of which bypasses counters. They can also use accurate infused arrows to supplement normal damaging spells.
5): BladeDancers are fragile melee fighters strike with great speed and precision. They gain strength as their enemies falls. 
6): BloodMasters are the strongest and oldest vampires. They come with powerful dark magic while also excel at using ranged weapons.
7): Saints are frontline warriors who use their holy blood to power their abilities. Although they lose health when using abilities, they compensate for this with powerful self-healing ability.
8): Legionaries are heavily armored super soilders from a distant empire, equiped with guns, shields and heavy armor. They can self-teleport onto highground and push enemy gunners down, then overwatch and self-buff with focus.
9): SuperHumans are heavily armored spell casters capable of supporting their allies and causing mass damage at the front line.
10): DemonLords charge into battle along with their demon companions. They can revive enemy as demons, and each of their killing blows will attract helhound to the battlefield. They can gain buff from their melee skills and then spread them to allied monsters. They can receive buff as their demons increase in number or fall in battle, and even drain mana from them.

#You need to put mod files into 'Documents/Fell Sell/customdata' folder. You probably want to backup your original files before that.
#You might want to retrain your super-class character and level them up in a new game+, in order to enjoy their superior starting stats.
#Including other minor changes, such as recuitment cost 500->1000 per level, level reset cost 1000->100 per level, sorcerer spell mana cost increase, etc.
#Not compatible with most other mods due to ability balance changes and GameOptions modification. Those mod only changes item should be fine, though.
#The Goddess portrait is part of a larger picture, which I paid an artist for. It's the cover of my planned novel. You can contact the artist from here:
#Contact author/bug report: [email protected]