Mind Games - WIP Quest Mod

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A short clip from one of the side quests in Mind Games. Although you can usually affect quest outcomes through dialogue choices, sometimes you just won't have much influence in a particular situation. You might get lucky though and find that your companion can influence things instead (even if they didn't intend to). In combat encounters where most of the mod's NPCs, including quest-givers, are marked as non-essential, this can have a big influence on who lives and dies, and what direction the story goes in.

>>Check out the clip here<<
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Mind Games is an upcoming quest mod for Fallout 4. Take on a new detective case with Nick Valentine while facing the consequences of the search for your son - everything from Skinny Malone to Jenny / K1-98, from the Institute's machinations to Kellogg's lingering presence. Meet new characters, make tough choices, spend more time with your companions, and explore new locations.


  1. CapsBuster10
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What mod are those dirty body textures from?
    1. OscarN1N7
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
  2. hamsandwichneverloses
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can't wait to see Mind Games!
  3. gotimas
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
  4. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Nice grudge closeup.
    I mostly play Skyrim SE and FO4 for more elaborate quests so I will definitely be interested in Mind Games when it is released.
    Thanks for the headsup.