About this mod

Adds a new, lore-friendly series of adventures to Fallout 3, that in the future, will add unique items, perks and a customizable player home.

Permissions and credits

0.6F+ (BETA)


Undiscovered Capital is a fully voiced and scripted adventure mod centered on the development of a brand new customizable player home. It has evolved episodically, and has now been released as a single, merged file. 


I have developed Undiscovered Capital with the following principles in mind.

Lore-friendly and seamless content.
Small footprint on the base-game to improve compatibility and stability.
Dynamic encounters and locations, through the use of scripting.
Intuitive and exciting to explore environments.


Please comment and endorse. Your support will keep this mod alive as it develops and reaches for it's full potential!




Undiscovered Capital was originally developed episodically, and though complete, the original files are still available for download.

Undiscovered Capital

Adds a new hidden player home to Fallout 3, and acts as a hub for the
content of this mod.

*** Play 'Now Showing' to discover it's location. ***

Undiscovered Capital - 'Now Showing'

Adds a new *marked* quest to Fallout 3 that will help lead you to the new player home
added by Undiscovered Capital.

*** Find it just north of the Citadel. ***

CUT CONTENT - No longer supported, the 'Experiencing Turbulence' release tested what I felt was possible with scripting and platforming in a Fallout game. It was a valuable experience and what I have learned is being applied to new content in a more consistent, balanced manner. Unfortunately, it isn't consistent with the premise of Undiscovered Capital, but may provide enjoyment for anyone interested in how mods evolve.

Undiscovered Capital - 'Experiencing Turbulence'

Expands Undiscovered Capital by adding two new locations and a new quest for the player
to complete.
New equipment, including cut content from Fallout 3 and brand new armour meshes by
New quests to complete.
Fully voiced dialogue.
Over 2000+ lines of new scripts.

*** Find the start of this adventure within the new player home. ***


- FAQ -

Q: Is it compatible with __________?
A: Most popular mods will work with Undiscovered Capital, as it has been carefully constructed and uses mostly unique references. Right now, the only known incompatibility is between "Sharing & Caring Companions' Talk to Anyone" and 'Experiencing Turbulence', disabling it while playing through the quests could result in a smoother experience.

Q: Does it work with ENB?
A: Mostly yes, though this mod does use Imagespace modifiers, some of which are disabled by certain ENB configurations, this will cause a few visual bugs similar to those experienced at the beginning of the game.

Q: Where do I find _________________?
A: If you can't seem to find a location have quick flick through the comments page, and if you still can't find it make sure all the files you need are installed correctly.


Black Metal Armor:

Cabal120's Power Armor Re-textures:

High Res Combat Armor Re-textures:




- Extract the relevant .esm/.esp file to your Data folder for Fallout 3.
- Tick in the Fallout 3 startup window, FOMM or Nexus Mod Manager.


- Make a clean save, without the .esm/.esp enabled.
- Delete Plugin or Master file.


Bethesda: Fallout 3.
Robin Scott: Hosting and providing a fantastic venue for modders.
EmeraldReign: Undiscovered Capital.
Tumbajumba: Modder's Resource (New armour meshes for Experiencing Turbulence LEGACY content).