Wasted ENB

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  1. liamnirvana
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    So much yes.. Cannot wait for this 'Wasted' ENB
  2. BlakkPhoenixx
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Simply amazing, as usual. I think my scroll wheel won't survive this night..
  3. Sudantex
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I never see such graphics (since don't played Fallout 3 anymore, about 1 year ago) If I don't see this pictures, wouldn't believe it, congratulations.
  4. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Some were taken with default weather, where others were taken with the Enhanced/Dynamic weather combo. None with Project Reality. If you click on the images, you can read my description on Flickr; I mostly tell what I've used there.

    I lost some of my work on these which is why I'm a bit slower than I had hoped. I'll work hard on getting this ready soon.

    And yeah, that gas-mask/chinese ushanka combo sure was a nice find.
  5. Winterfall
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    A lil off topic, but that chick with the Gas Mask and Ushanka looks neat. I've had that Gas Mask mod for as long as i can remember but i never did think of combining the two.

    Anyway, i sure am on the look out for this one. The first one was a bit too orange-y for me. Quick question though, are these all taken with the default weather? Or are some taken with the Project Reality mod?
  6. jdavisson10
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Yes this looks awesome. Good work Mid!!! Will check it out.
  7. DB5
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Nice shots!
  8. Kyokushinoyama
    • premium
    • 527 kudos
    @midh :
    Good luck on it.
  9. Zhutwo
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Incredible, and thanks archer i was veiwing you page when i saw this.
  10. Archer1
    • member
    • 34 kudos