X - kzrmaVP

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  1. yellingintothevoid
    • premium
    • 186 kudos
    this pic goes so hard, dang!!
    1. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      It's all thanks to you, I'm just abusing the Beanie hard lmao <3
    2. yellingintothevoid
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      abusing? :O
    3. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      hum I mean I use it all the time hahaha
    4. yellingintothevoid
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      no beanies were harmed in the making of this picture
    5. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I swear its not like that I swear nothing happen but if you could make the beanie in AMM for me so that I can make different picture it would be real good :D hum
    6. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
    7. yellingintothevoid
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      i've never made an AMM prop so i'd have to learn how those work. buuuut, i know that you can spawn vanilla beanies with AMM by default. i could make a replacer version which replaces the vanilla beanie with mine. you could then spawn the vanilla beanie in AMM and use my beanie as a prop that way. which is to say: do you want the hairstyle included with the prop?
    8. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      It's okay, don't bother, I thought it would be a good idea at first, but I don't have the pose nor the creativity to do anything with it, so I don't want to waste your time :)

      Thank you for the work you're doing, I'm excited to see what's next <3 <3 
    9. yellingintothevoid
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      oh awesome, less work for meee :3

      glad you like my mods! i have a bunch that are close to being finished that i'm really stoked about!
    10. kzrmaaaa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Letsgooooo can't wait to see it 
  2. elena199x
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wow, this is such a cool look! The combination of the mask, the Slope Game beanie, and the sleek jacket really creates a mysterious and powerful appearance.