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  1. nina9089
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    She looks amazing and I love her eyes 😍💖
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Thank youuu, Its her pretty eyelash that make her eyes stand out😭❤️ 
  2. DarthRen
    • premium
    • 356 kudos
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Thank you I’m glad you think so 😭❤️, it’s because of your hair mods that she is this Gorgeous so thx u so much 💓
  3. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 283 kudos
    How dare you that you have hide her for so long- she is beautiful! <3
    My BG3 modlist is really to long.. I'm playing at the moment with 250  mods :D
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Lol you would not want to see her with her old hair 🥲🥲. Her new hair add +20 to her appearance stats that’s for sure also because I finished her run long ago 😭😭 
      damn 250 mods do you have like those spells / race mods I assume ? 
  4. Papuchette
    • member
    • 84 kudos
    She's so beautiful Myuu ! 
    I love her design *-* 🥰
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Thank you 😭😭 she is an old design but I’m glad you like her 😭😭❤️
  5. Tingeling
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    She is absolutely beautiful. On the first picture to the left she is wearing an orange corset, which armour mods did you use for that? If you don´t mind me asking. 😊

    Also, Zevran is definitely my favourite romance of all times! Noone has been able to beat him so far. 💚💚💚 
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      thank youu ❤️❤️  
      and yeah she is wearing the corset It's from Blossom from Patreon link   
      Zevran is definably baby girl Im really converted but Alistair is so sweet also 😭
    2. Tingeling
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you! ^_^ 
  6. Arien674
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    That character is well done. :)

    I‘m doing it the other way around this time. Last time my Benedict Bard married Gale. ❤️ 

    But this time i will have a character, who has a rather wild approach to romance. But since i had a longer break from the Game, the friend Gale route won’t hurt that much. :D
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      thank  youu 🩷

      Gale doesnt hurt me if I I just tell him he a friend when he do magic trick but Alistair hurt me 
    2. Arien674
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Yeah, i understand. Alistair is in an innocent way charming. ❤️ 

      Weirdly i played the DA games after having played BG3.

      In DAO, Alistair instantly gave me Gale-Vibes. Same kind of social awkwardness, and same kind of funny behaviour.
      In DAI, it was even more Gale-Vibes with Cullen.
      While a romanced/ high approval Gale at the Tiefling Party says "It's a beauitful night, isn't it?"
      A romanced Cullen says in the first Kiss scene "It's a beautiful day..."

      I was like ROFLMAO. I couldn't help it. i'm prone to RomComs and they are all like walking RomComs to me. So they all were my first romance in those games each. :D
  7. Moonmaiden37
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Your girl is gorgeous, Myuu. Poor Alistair, rejected for Zevran, I take it.
    1. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      thank youu 🥹🩷
      I have to rejected him for Zevran and i feel  so bad, he even gave my warden a rose //collapse on the floor 
    2. Moonmaiden37
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Maybe you can do one playthrough for Alistair to make you both happy. I know it will be hard though, if you love Zev too much.
    3. Myuu014
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      LOL it's when I romance Gale with her ^ it was agonized  😭😭 Zevran and Alistair both deserve to be happy especially how this game make Alistair jumped over too many hoops 💀