Misinformation Fingerprints

Continuous data about provably false narratives spreading online—purpose built for misinformation detection at scale.

NewsGuard’s global team of misinformation analysts maintains the internet’s most complete, machine-readable catalog of top false claims circulating online.

The Misinformation Fingerprints can be used:

  • By AI tools to safeguard against misinformation in responses or retrieval-augmented generation processes.
  • By technology platforms to detect content that may violate their policies against harmful misinformation.
  • By human analysts to understand mis- and disinformation risks, and track emerging narratives before they enter the mainstream.
  • By government agencies and intelligence teams tasked with defending against information operations from malign actors.
  • By corporate communicators to keep abreast of the evolving landscape of brand-related misinformation that could harm client reputation.
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What makes NewsGuard’s Misinformation Fingerprints different from fact-checking:

  • Machine-readable formats enable the Fingerprints to be ingested by large language models
  • Fingerprints are each designated with a “risk of harm” level to contextualize the relative urgency or impact of each false claim
  • Information about where and when a narrative has spread increases understanding of how the false claim is performing
  • A navigable catalog of false narratives across different sectors enables users to surface the claims related to a specific geography, company, global issue, industry, or time frame
  • Fingerprints are all researched and written by trained journalists conducting thorough research to cite provably false or egregiously misleading claims

Purpose-built for use by both human analysts and AI tools, NewsGuard’s Misinformation Fingerprints™ provide a continuously updated view of the digital information environment—and a powerful way to track narratives that are emerging and spreading online.

Data contained in each Fingerprint include:

  • Example language used to advance the false claim
  • Variations of the false claim
  • Detailed debunks citing trustworthy sources
  • An explanation of where and when the narrative emerged
  • Links containing the false claim
  • Related keywords and hashtags
  • A “risk of harm” designation