Telechargiar Firefox

Firefox na vegn betg pli sustegnì sin Windows 8.1 e pli vegl.

Telechargia per plaschair Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) per utilisar Firefox.

Firefox na vegn betg pli sustegnì sin macOS 10.14 e pli vegl.

Telechargia per plaschair Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) per utilisar Firefox.

Las directivas da Firefox per la protecziun da datas


Firefox is just the beginning. Mozilla’s family of products are all designed to keep you safer and smarter online.


Get the browser that blocks 2000+ data trackers automatically. Enhanced Tracking Protection comes standard in every Firefox browser.

Telechargiar Firefox

Firefox na vegn betg pli sustegnì sin Windows 8.1 e pli vegl.

Telechargia per plaschair Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) per utilisar Firefox.

Firefox na vegn betg pli sustegnì sin macOS 10.14 e pli vegl.

Telechargia per plaschair Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) per utilisar Firefox.

Las directivas da Firefox per la protecziun da datas

Telechargiar da Google Play

Telechargiar da l'App Store

Firefox Focus

Tes navigatur deditgà a la protecziun da datas cun protecziun automatica cunter fastizaders e bloccada da reclamas.

Telechargiar da Google Play Telechargiar da l'App Store

Firefox Relay

Protegia tia dretga adressa dad e-mail per controllar meglier tia posta entrada.

Get Firefox Relay

Mozilla Monitor

See if you’ve been part of a data breach. If so, let us automatically get your private info back for you and continually monitor your identity for new leaks.

Tschertgar en las perditas da datas

Mozilla VPN

Navighescha, streamescha e lavura via servers en passa 30 pajais cun ina connexiun segira cun l'internet ed ina nova perspectiva.

Va per Mozilla VPN

MDN Plus

Resources for developers, by developers. Support MDN and make it your own with collections, notifications, and playgrounds.

Support MDN


Access all your email, calendars, and contacts in one fast app. Filter and organize them the way you like.

Download Thunderbird


Fakespot has your back when you’re shopping online — weeding out scam artists and finding you the best deals. Made by Mozilla.

Analyze a URL


Scuvra il meglier cuntegn dal web – e profitescha dad el nua e cura ch'i saja.

Va per Pocket

Telechargiar da Google Play

Telechargiar da l'App Store