Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition

aka: Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge
Moby ID: 47210

Xbox 360 version

Monkeys, Magic and A Monkey Wrench

The Good
The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is one video game that every gamer should play. It is one of the best graphic adventure games made. It is one of the best sequel games made. It is one of the funniest games made. It is, simply put, one of the best video games ever made.

The Special Edition retains all that was great about the game, and finds ways to make it better. Better graphics, amazing voice actors, smooth and responsive game play mechanics and a nice selection of extras to keep dedicated fans of the series interested.

The sequel takes place months after the first game. Guybrush Threepwood has found his fame and fortune, and enjoys retelling how he saved a lovely lady and defeated a zombie pirate with what was, essentially, root beer soda. However, all is not well in the Caribbean.

LeChuck, the zombie pirate, is back and, as the title suggests, has some unfriendly plans for Mr. Threepwood. Guybrush finds himself broke, single and stuck on an anarchist island ruled by a bully named Largo LaGrande.

The only hope for Guybrush Threepwood is to locate the fabulous treasure known to pirates everywhere as Big Whoop.

Guybrush has to interact with a wide range of eccentric people and pick up various items, which are used to solve numerous adventure-style puzzles.

Solving inventory-based puzzles will bring Guybrush Threepwood closer to reuniting with his girlfriend, the Governor, cracking the Big Whoop mystery and, maybe, figure out how to put an end to LeChuck for good.

The Bad
I really cannot think of anything to complain about. I am upset that more Monkey Island games were not released for the Xbox 360. I really would have liked to see a Special Edition of Monkey Island 3 and 4.

I am not sure if Disney -- when it bought Lucasfilm -- put the kibosh on future Monkey Island Special Edition games, but it is a disappointment.

The Bottom Line
The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is everything that a sequel should be, and probably one of the best video games every made. New and old fans of the Monkey Island franchise should give this game a try.

by Edward TJ Brown (118) on May 21, 2018

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