Beacon Pines

Moby ID: 191506

Xbox Series version

Beacon Pines

The Good
Amazing soundtrack/Well-written, mysterious story/Plot revelations/Charming characters

The Bad
Main ending leaves a few questions unanswered/Slow start

The Bottom Line
This game took some time to grow on me, but after seeing its conclusion, I find it be quite unforgettable. It has a well-written, mysterious story with some mind-boggling revelations and an incredible soundtrack. The first “ending” is surprising and made me eager to find out what secrets this small town was hiding.

While the (true) ending left a few questions to be answered, what happens is heartwarming and impactful. The song titled “Epilogue”, takes the ending to another level. It is simply masterful. The last image, the last bit of dialogue, and the last portion of the song all combine to create a poignant moment that I won't soon forget. It actually made me appreciate my father a bit more. I have rarely been affected by a game this much.

by Flu (935) on April 17, 2024

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