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Promo for Evolution
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Promo for Spectre
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Promo for Boa
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Promo for Artesians
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Promo for Moondust
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Game - Black & White: Lite (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Koterminus
Promo for Trashman
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Promo for Astroblitz
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Michael
Game - Seraphim Slum (2023, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Koterminus
Game - Chill Pulse (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Tim Janssen
Game - Way of Rhea (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Tim Janssen
Game - Zet Zillions (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Tim Janssen
Game - Break the Loop (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Tim Janssen
49 credits added for Crow Country (2024, Windows)
Added Jul 5, 2024 by Donovan Chevalier

[ more ]

Database Statistics

Platforms 329
Games 281,049
Add-ons 81,885
People 1,197,870
Companies 52,792
Critics 2,767
Groups 13,476
Genres 226
Attributes 3,412
Screenshots 1,035,881
Cover Art 811,659
Promo Art 1,023,630
Videos 31,175
Player Reviews 16,229
Critic Reviews 549,814
Product Codes 212,753
Prices 229,803
Identifiers 105,096

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This Day in Gaming rss


Moby v2024.06.07

By MobyReed (386) on June 07, 2024 · 5 comments


  • New feature: Game cover explorer (front & back covers)
  • New feature: Promo image explorer (including magazines ads, concept art, renders, etc)
  • New version of the Game Browser with options to include more information in the results - including genres, developers and publishers
  • Increased game browser CSV export from 1,000 to 2,500 results
  • Added option to have up to 100 results per page on the game browser
  • Added contribution stats feature to the homepage
  • Fixed CSV exports that were broken for a few platforms

General Updates

  • New game identifier tool that allows entering multiple identifiers and pulls store information
  • Moved patch information from Releases to its own section (example) and increased allowed description length
  • Added "preview" function to game description in the Add Game form
  • Allow 'person' and 'personid' in all MobyTags (developer/developerid still work, but are deprecated)
  • Credits form now remembers what screenshot you were last viewing (if applicable)
  • Pending game relations now appear at the top of game pages, when relevant
  • Frontend optimizations
  • Database optimizations
  • Misc. bug fixes, UI fixes and polish

Moby v2024.04.05

By MobyReed (386) on April 05, 2024 · 2 comments


  • Added release date, genres, developer and publisher fields to csv/json game browser export
  • Added chart to platform pages showing # of releases per year (example)
  • Added chart to Moby stats
  • Added "save as image" functionality to charts

General Updates

  • If you have pending submissions, you'll now see those on relevant game/person/company overview pages
  • Added support for Epic Games store (pricing, and missing games index)
  • Added support for PlayStation store prices
  • Added pending submissions to game description contribution tool
  • Properly handle prices in Euros
  • Scrapers now add note with URL to new platforms
  • Better error messages for invalid dates (including leap year)
  • Game Identifier contribution tool now displays pending and approved submissions separately
  • Updated dark mode for charts
  • Fixed importing Steam collections
  • Fixed game cache when there are updates to related sites
  • Fixed Steam SKU updates
  • Fixed game credit listings so comma separators can be copied
  • Misc. tweaks, polish, minor fixes

Update: Back in action. All of these updates are now available.

Happy 25th Anniversary!

By MobyReed (386) on March 01, 2024 · 8 comments

Can you believe it? MobyGames has now been documenting and preserving video game history for a quarter century! Since March 1st, 1999.

(the interactive version of this graph, along with the numbers month-by-month for our entire history, available here for MobyPro)

Happy Anniversary and thanks to all of our amazing contributors, veteran and new alike.

To help celebrate this occasion, we made some t-shirts and a mug featuring our 25th Anniversary badge (with thanks to John Kauderer at Atari!).

You can order yours on the Atari store. Use coupon code MobyGames for 10% off.

Since the release of the new site a year ago, we've deployed hundreds of updates, including all new features, more information, improved tools and UI/UX, bug fixes, optimizations and more. You can journey through the changelogs here, but here are some highlights:

  • MobyPro (Early Access)
  • Game Relations
  • Indexes for Platforms, People and Critics
  • Missing Games
  • Most Researched Games, People, Companies and Groups
  • Additional scrapers for the Add Game form
  • Prices, including MSRP
  • New collections features
  • Bulk credits import and auto-classification

If you'd like to help support our ongoing development and mission to document game history, please consider contributing or subscribing to MobyPro for additional features and information.

Here's to the next 25 years!

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