Summary The sci-fi series, created and written by Rapman, centers around delivery driver Michael (Tosin Cole), nurse Sabrina (Nadine Mills), weed dealer Rodney (Calvin Demba), ex-con Andre (Eric Kofi-Abrefa), and gang member Tazer (Josh Tedeku) who unexpectedly develop superpowers.

Directed By: Rapman

Written By: Rapman

S1 • Episode 2
Air Date: Jun 27, 2024
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Summary The sci-fi series, created and written by Rapman, centers around delivery driver Michael (Tosin Cole), nurse Sabrina (Nadine Mills), weed dealer Rodney (Calvin Demba), ex-con Andre (Eric Kofi-Abrefa), and gang member Tazer (Josh Tedeku) who unexpectedly develop superpowers.

Created By: Rapman

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