Specs Issued For Political Ad Icons

In May, the self-regulatory group Digital Advertising Alliance said it wants political advertisers to insert new "Political Ad" icons in online ads that expressly urge people to vote for or against particular candidates.

Now, the DAA is issuing a set of detailed specifications about the icon, addressing matters such as …

1 comment about "Specs Issued For Political Ad Icons".
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  1. Rob Walters from Self, September 18, 2018 at 9:37 a.m.

    there's already too much advertising involved in politics, we don't need anymore. It's one thing when ads/promotions are driven by candidates themselves but what we don't need are "supporters" crafting their own ad campaigns and spreading whatever nonsense - that's for both sides.

    "... insert new "Political Ad" icons in online ads that expressly urge people to vote for or against particular candidates." - absolutely not needed, no one needs anyone else's personal feelings and opinons to urge them to do anything. Someone's reason to "urge" people for vote for against is based on nothing but their personal opinions, needs and wants - you vote for what works for you so let everyone else do the same, even if it doesn't fit in to your agenda.

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