
Study Finds Two In Three Consumers Trust Branded Content More Than Traditional Advertising

The findings of a new study by Time Inc. reveal that two in three consumers trust branded content more than traditional advertising. For the study, the publisher sought to understand how GenZ, Millennials, and GenX consumers respond to and engage with branded native and branded content and referred to both …

7 comments about "Study Finds Two In Three Consumers Trust Branded Content More Than Traditional Advertising".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, June 21, 2017 at 9:49 a.m.

    Of course posing such questions in this highly generalized manner could only result in "traditional" advertising losing handily to "branded content". If Time Inc really wanted to explore this issue, it could have focused on particular brands and their ads with much tighter research to determine---or try to determine---how traditional ads work relative to or in concert with "branded content". Instead, all we get is a thinly disguised promotion for "branded content".

  2. Gordon Borrell from Borrell Associates, June 21, 2017 at 12:56 p.m.

    A more accurate headline: "Time Inc. Commissions Study to Support its Big Play in Branded Content." Sorry, but as a research guy, this doesn't pass the sniff test and only tells me that Time Inc. did a good job doofing Media Post into getting free advertising in the news columns. Next up, "Trump is Most Popular President Ever, according to White House Study."

  3. caryn klein from Time Inc., June 22, 2017 at 1:06 p.m.

    This research was quite comprehensive focusing on advertising across eight different categories, ranging from Auto to CPG to Finance, and focused on understanding the relationship between content and traditional advertising. Further, this research included a substantial sample from online communities and surveys of over 15,000 respondents from ages 15-49 who are dedicated followers of content within the 8 categories.  Based on the results of this qualitative and quantitative approach, we were able to devise some overall best practices for what people want to see from content experiences. While the good news is many welcome these experiences, know that they set the bar high for how brands can effectively connect with them.  This article took a high level view on what we reported, and we are currently sharing the detailed results with our advertising partners.

  4. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, June 22, 2017 at 1:16 p.m.

    Caryn, it's good to hear that there was more to this study than what was reported. The detailed findings are what should be of real interest.

  5. Gordon Borrell from Borrell Associates, June 22, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.

    Thanks for explaining the methodology, Caryn. Sounds like solid research of that universe of people who are dedicated followers of content within 8 categories. But I'll always be less trusting of research conducted or sponsored by any company that has a vested interest in what the results say. 

  6. Delia Passi from Medelia, June 28, 2017 at 10:33 p.m.

    WomenCertified research showing similar findings. Women prefer to learn of brands through relevant and meaningful content. TV does not serve her well. Ads serve a very short sighted purpose. Create an emotional connection through a trusted source and watch her engage with her dollars and loyalty. Trusted source is the secret sauce. 

  7. ARKADI NAXSH from facebook, February 20, 2022 at 3:10 a.m.


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