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Stats showing engagement behavior

Boost email engagement and retain more customers

Get proactive engagement profiles for contacts on your list to help segment, personalize, and convert like never before.

Maximize engagement

The days of capturing email engagement data after you send are over. Use Mailgun Validate to see real engagement behavior for subscribers on your list before you send.

Mailgun single verification
An upward trend on a screen.

Send smarter and drive marketing ROI

Create new audience segments based on your subscribers' propensity to engage and remove known complainers and bots to keep complaint rates low and protect your reputation.

Get to know your audience

Study, segment, and manage your audience based on their unique engagement profile. Feature availability varies by plan level.

1. Positive engaging behavior

Engager – this recipient has clicked or opened but not enough to be identified as a “high engager”

High engager – this recipient has clicked or opened emails at a higher volume (this excludes automatic opens)

2. Negative engaging behavior

Bot – We have detected an atypically high number of clicks indicating bot-like behavior

Complainer – this recipient has complained and/or reported emails to spam

3. Non-engaging behavior

Non-engager – this recipient has only delivered emails

No data – We have no historical data on record

Different data point graphs for email
Illustration of the statistics and delivery rate of an email campaign.

Create the perfect customer experience

Take your email personalization to the next level. Base your messaging, positioning, and offering on your audience's historical engagement profile and watch that conversion rate grow.

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"Mailgun Validate provides an additional layer of value for us and our customers, helping to maintain a strong sender reputation while minimizing bounces and increasing engagement."

Justine Hong

Justine Hong

COO, Switchboard

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