Some good news about a good project

Some good news about a good project

A while back, I started talking to Raffi Krikorian and Ian Bremmer about tools one could build to help democracy function better. We decided to construct a social media platform that would help people understand each other better. So Raffi and I got together a great small team and an amazing group of beta users. We named the platform Narwhal and then SpeakEasy AI .

We built tech to sort conversations by quality; to disincentivize trolling; to introduce people to new ideas; to prevent ideological echo chambers. We figured out creative ways to use AI to bring new voices into thriving discussions. The conversations were good! Users loved it. We didn't, however, see a path to viral growth or to a sustainable business model. So we ended the experiment.

Now, we’re thrilled to announce that the tech is being acquired by the perfect partner: Amplica Labs and Project Liberty . We're excited to work with Braxton Woodham and Frank McCourt to build the ideas into their burgeoning software ecosystem. I'll be discussing this shortly on stage at The Project Liberty Summit at MIT. Raffi has just joined the Amplica Labs advisory board. And there will be much more to share soon.

Thank you to the many wonderful people who helped this project along the way. A particular shout-out to Gitesh Gohel , Brian Barrett , Loren Riesenfeld , and Beth Chasse who were there from day one all the way through. And thank you most of all to the users of Narwhal who, for a brief-but-awesome moment, created a spot for truly amazing and informative conversations online.

Bhagya Kanwar

A passionate growth marketer experienced in building brand awareness and engagement through AIDA and TOFU. Specialised in web3 community marketing and management.


It's truly heartening to witness efforts harnessing AI to empower individuals worldwide in honing their critical thinking skills, especially within the context of enhancing democracy. In a world where capitalist influences dominate a significant portion of the global economy, initiatives like this serve as beacons of hope, championing the cause of the common person. Here's to leveraging technology for the greater good and fostering a more informed and engaged society. 👏

Brilliant news - congrats Nicholas Thompson and Brian Barrett - was a fantastic experience in Beta - looking forward to seeing what’s next!

Adrian Mohnacs

"Engineer to Entrepreneur" | I help freelance developers boost their income | How we can book you 6+ qualified leads per week and sign your next freelance client in 30 days or less or you don't pay 👇


What an incredible journey! Kudos to the team for their help in the project, Nicholas Thompson. 👏🙌

Prof.Sudhir Gavhane Outstanding university leader GAVHANE is acclaimed academician two times VC

Former VC , YCMOU & MGM-U , Quality Enhancement Advisor, Higher Education Consultant , Chief Academic Advisor , Imperial English UK , Higher Education Expert , Quality Assessor


Greetings from India. That’s great innovative initiative for protecting and creating vibrant democratic culture.

Erin Q.

Erin Quinn, M.A. (She/Her) Community Engagement | DEIB | Strategic & Crisis Communication | Cross Functional Leadership | Organizational Development | Social Justice | Product Management | Ethical Solutions


Narwhal was a dream to support and participate in - thank you Nicholas Thompson and Brian Barrett this is fantastic news! Congratulations!!

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