Part 2 - Customers: 
Benefits and extended rights with GDPR

Part 2 - Customers: Benefits and extended rights with GDPR

Your customers will benefit from extended rights to their own privacy. They may not be aware of this yet, but (trust me) they will be by May 25, 2018.

If you begin the work now by aligning your business to the GDPR regulation, this will prove to be an advantage with three wins (1) for your customers (2) for your company's relationship with your customers, and (3) internal Way-of-Working (when designing systems, for Customer Services organization, and processes in projects).

The GDPR regulations give customer's extended rights, which includes:

  • The right to rectification: Individuals are entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Erasing data: Also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’. The right of an individual to request the deletion or removal of personal data.
  • Saying ”no” to profiling: If not allowed by the customer, processing the customer’s data is limited in BI/big data-system
  • Privacy by Design: Privacy ”built in” into all systems and services. (personal note: this concept is also an opportunity for Change managers - use this to create awareness in the organization!)
  • Privacy by Default: When customer's privacy settings are marked as "default" in your systems, it means that data access (and services) is set to ”restrictive”.

These is just a few examples. Use the links below for more details.


Individuals’ rights – Comprehensive summary of the GDPR regulation (In English)

Protection of Personal Data – a summary of the EU regulation (In English)

Datainspektionen – The Swedish Data Protection Authority (In Swedish)

The Personal Data Act (Personuppgiftslagen) – summary with links to statute text (In English - click here for more extensive resource in Swedish)

Note: This is a slightly updated re-run of my published article on LinkedIn June 2017. Disclaimer: This article is provided as information only and should not be perceived as legal advice. If you seek legal advice, always contact an attorney.

Comments: Always feel free to leave a comment below, or contact me at +46-70-5543665 or

Next: GDPR for Communication Leads. Coming: GDPR as an opportunity

Åsa Holmberg

Strategic Digital Change Agent | Government Geek | Accessibility & Inclusive Digital Design Specialist | Co-author Agile People Manifesto


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