How Rachel Rodgers found multi-million dollar success by claiming her value

How Rachel Rodgers found multi-million dollar success by claiming her value

Rachel Rodgers made a name for herself leaving a promising career as an attorney to teach women, BIPOC and LGBTQIA people how to build generational wealth with her company Hello Seven, her best-selling book “We Should All Be Millionaires” and the newly released workbook “Million Dollar Actions: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making Wealth Happen.”

Rodgers found success only after realizing she needed to claim her value. It was a message from a friend who told her she wasn’t charging enough for her legal services that led to the revelation. She didn’t appreciate the uninvited comment at first. “I was so embarrassed to be getting this feedback and kind of angry too,” she said. “Being called out is never fun, right? But when I thought about it and really looked around, I realized I was working really, really hard for very little money and it wasn’t sustainable.” 

Rodgers decided to test doubling her fees when a potential new client called. “I just held myself together and tried not to say anything else because I was afraid that I was just going to spit out a discount,” she remembered. When the caller not only agreed but asked for two services, she realized her friend was correct — she had been undervaluing her work. 

The wisdom Rodgers took from that experience helped lay the foundation for the multi-million dollar business she’s created to help others learn how to claim their value.

 “If you are comfortable, you are not allowing yourself to grow,” she advises. “I encourage you to collect rejection. See how many people you can get to say no to your price and along the way you are going to find people saying ‘yes.’”

Rodgers also believes that once you recognize your value, you need to share it with others, “because that information is important. We have to know what's happening in the marketplace, and we can't know if we all keep it a secret.”

Rodgers ultimate takeaway: “We have to upgrade ourselves. We have to give ourselves a raise. And when we see ourselves in that way, other people will see us in that way, as well.”

Do you have a story about successfully asking for a raise or raising the price for your services? Share it with us in the comments. Subscribe to our newsletter and join the conversation live on LinkedIn.

More stories on claiming your value:• Jocelyn Boyd  •  Sandra Velasquez  •   Dr. Carl Allamby


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Janet G.

-Wildlife Rehab Volunteer since 2004 Licensed. ** Please NO CREDO Wealth Request's!


Never feel embarrassed of your requested fees,monies for your service,product. I found your status of this to be , welcoming not greedy. We all want to make a profit in today's financial barriers. Any gains more than maintaing this income can be tempting ,. .yet Nothing wrong in being content with present income, than be 'keeping up with the jones',!!

Cindy Staples

Virtual Assistant for Nonprofits & Small Businesses


Thank you for this! As I pondered on if firing my client for not valuing my time or work, is worth the revenue lost, I read this article. #pivot #claimyourworth

Dana Kirchmar

Empowering C-Level Executives to Champion Women in Aviation and Aerospace | Advocating for Gender Balance in Male-Dominated Industries | Driving Change through Executive Coaching and Strategic Consulting


What I took away from Rachel Rodgers' journey and wisdom echoes my own experiences in the aviation and aerospace industries: 🔹 Claim Your Value: Like Rachel, I had a pivotal moment when I realized my worth. During my career, there were times I undervalued my contributions. Recognizing my value was key to advancing and taking on leadership roles. 🔹 Embrace Discomfort: Growth comes from pushing beyond comfort zones. Rachel’s advice to "collect rejection" is both challenging and empowering. In my field, breaking barriers meant facing many rejections, but each one was a step toward success. 🔹 Share Your Knowledge: Transparency in sharing marketplace information helps elevate everyone. I’ve found that mentoring and sharing insights with other women in STEM has created a more inclusive and supportive environment. 🔹 Self-Upgrade: Continuously improving and valuing ourselves sets the standard for how others perceive us. Constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth has been a cornerstone of my career.

Ravi Narayanan

Affiliate Marketer ( Creating opportunities for passive revenue generation) DM me if you are interested in generating additional income streams.


Awesome stuff this


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