Hooded Horse's Tim Bender doesn't think constant growth should define games
Via Hooded Horse

Hooded Horse's Tim Bender doesn't think constant growth should define games

In this evening's edition, we have a featured blog on the problems with tunnel vision in game design, a book excerpt from Designing Games Meant for Sharing, and news from the likes of Roblox, Hooded Horse, and more.

The Trouble of Tunnel Vision Gamers and Developers: Not Seeing the Forest for the Games

It's time to talk about why tunnel vision is bad for game design.

Tunnel-vision in this respect is only looking at the industry and games from one specific point of view — yours. We see this from critics, journalists, YouTubers, streamers, and consumers: “I don’t like game X, so X is just bad” or “I really like this, so it must be perfect.”
We can also see this any time a game comes out as a surprise hit — your Balatros, Vampire Survivors, FTL, and so on. You will always hear a chorus of people declaring “Why is this game doing so well? It’s just X.” Game design analysis is still a mystery to people, not just those outside of the industry. Being able to examine the UI/UX, the progression, and the feel of a game to see how it resonates with people may sound like magic, but for people like me who do this daily, it’s as easy as breathing.

Book Excerpt: Designing Games Meant for Sharing

'This book talks about the importance of social mechanics in games and how these mechanics evolved over time to accommodate new technologies and new social contexts.'

Hooded Horse's Tim Bender doesn't think constant growth should define games

The Manor Lords publisher advocates for letting games be measured by their developer's own aspirations rather than the thinking of "number go up."

Roblox rolls out Unity-style analytics tools for developers

The new tools push Roblox closer to parity with mainstream third-party tool providers.

Swedish game industry wants video games recognized as 'cultural canon'

Trade association Dataspelsbranschen has selected 15 titles it believes should be commemorated.

Alexandru Armasu

Founder & CEO, Group 8 Security Solutions Inc. DBA Machine Learning Intelligence


Super helpful!

Skelius Mortalis

Business Development Manager @ 1D3 | Ex-Krafton EU | Game Producer, Audio Specialist, Project Manager|


It shouldn't, but when everything's Early Access, one does hope for a full release. Or if it even is a full release, players will still think they've been promised more. It's about managing expectations.


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