Generative AI: Let's Be Smart This Time Around

Generative AI: Let's Be Smart This Time Around

So, here's the thing. We've been here before. Remember when social media first hit the scene? We were all excited about connecting with old friends, sharing pictures, and discovering new music. But then, the reality hit. Kids and teens faced issues like cyberbullying, screen addiction, and the whole fake news debacle. We reacted, sure, but it was more of a scramble than a structured response.

Now, enter Generative AI. This tech is crazy impressive. It can whip up stories, create stunning visuals, make music, and even mimic human voices so well that it's eerily lifelike. And the accessibility? Soon, it'll be as easy as logging onto your favorite social app.

But, and this is a big "but", are we prepared? Right now, there's a ton of chatter about how big companies are handling the tech side of things – managing weird AI outcomes, intellectual property issues, and biases. That's all great and essential, don't get me wrong. But we're kinda missing the plot when it comes to what everyday folks, like you and me, might do with this tech.

Think about it. If we could go back in time and see how social media would impact families and kids, wouldn't we prep differently? Today's parents, many of whom grew up in the thick of the social media frenzy, have gotten better at navigating its challenges. But with AI tools popping up left and right, how can they (or any of us, really) keep up?

This isn't just a tech company problem. Governments and regulators need to be in on this too. We're on the brink of a new tech age, and we've got a shot to get ahead of potential pitfalls.

Look, money's pouring into AI. From big tech to venture capitalists, everyone wants a piece of the AI pie. And while that's shaping our tech future, we need to be thinking about its broader impact. Especially when it comes to our families.

Bottom line? As we dive into the deep end with generative AI, let's remember our past lessons. We've got to balance the "wow, cool!" with the "okay, but what if?". Let's be proactive this time. After all, the real power of AI isn't just in the tech wizardry but in the world we're shaping alongside it.

Al Rushing

Manager ExxonMobil Oil & Energy Professional or Telecom AT&T Wireless Outsourcing


Great career progression. Very interesting

Matt Lock

Director of Product + Engineering


Agreed we have to be mindful as to how our kids grow with these technologies.

Dale Burleigh S.

Senior Tech Lead Architect | Enterprise Architect @ AVER, LLC


heard that in early 2000s. On-demand was a BB guardband concept before that, both fell on deaf executive ears. cc C-SPAN


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