2 Years & 2 Weeks since my stocks and trends pick, let's see how they have perform.

2 Years & 2 Weeks since my stocks and trends pick, let's see how they have perform.

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2 years ago (Saturday 20 Jan 18), my friend invited me to speak to a group of executives entering retirement on how best to build their investment portfolio.

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I identified a few trends and picks that they could embed into their portfolio, amongst other strategies. (See picture)

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How has my recommendation done so far?

Mastercard went from 166.83 (19Jan18) to 320.32 (30Jan20)

Paypal went from 83.84 (19Jan18) to 116.66 (30Jan20)

Amex went from 98.03 (19Jan18) to 131.68 (30Jan20)

Alibaba went from 184.05 (19Jan18) to 212.02 (30Jan20)

Amazon went from 1,294.58 (19Jan18) to 1,858 (30Jan20)

*For investors interested in specific strategies, drop me a message.


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