Sarah Jackson’s Post

It's been a blast celebrating Pride this month, and as we do so, I'm extra grateful for our ERG communities at Dataminr. I'm also reminded of the importance of employee well-being as the basis for thriving teams. 3 essential components of this foundation: ✅Transparent Communication: Transparency is the foundation of trust. When we listen to our team members through ethos surveys and focus groups we’re shaping our culture. It’s about respecting voices, understanding needs, and evolving together. ❤️ ERGs: Our Lifelines: From Asian@Dataminr to Pride@Dataminr, and many more, these groups create spaces where shared experiences matter. They tackle stressors head-on, whether it’s racial healing or emoji-making events. ERGs are about joy, resilience, and connection. 🌈 DEI as a Pillar: Every member of our diverse community deserves support, empowerment, the chance to thrive, and for their voices to be heard. I highly recommend you check out Robin Strup's (🙏) fantastic blog post on DEI and well-being here: Share your best wellness and well-being strategies in the comments below.  #EmployeeWellness #DEI #Inclusion #Thrive

Why Employee Wellness and Well-being Are Now Strategic DEI Imperatives - Dataminr

Why Employee Wellness and Well-being Are Now Strategic DEI Imperatives - Dataminr

James Edward Murray

CEO and Co-Founder at Therify | Employee Wellbeing




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