Richard Raphael’s Post

Here's a stat that may by more frustrating than shocking for my friends in retail: 79% of site visitors went unidentified on Black Friday. I repeat....79%! And to quote Captain Obvious, you can’t deliver personalized content that engages and converts customers unless you know who they are. Well, I'm not sure he actually said that but he would if he was in digital marketing! All of this means many brands missed huge opportunities this BFCM – and the rest of the holiday season – to create experiences for customers that were actually tailored for the unique needs and interests of the shopper. Bluecore is excited to announce our Transparent ID Network, enabling retailers to develop complete shopper profiles that improve incremental sales/conversions from newly identified and re-identified shoppers. This network completes Bluecore’s Transparent ID offering in helping marketers quickly move newly identified and acquired leads through the funnel to become repeat buyers. And it also helps them treat loyal customers like the VIP that they are. Find out more about the full product release: 

Bluecore Launches Identity Network for Enterprise Retailers

Bluecore Launches Identity Network for Enterprise Retailers

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