From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Working with the OpenVDB Mesher

Working with the OpenVDB Mesher

- [Instructor] The OpenVDB Mesher is a new generator object in X-Particles 4 similar to the skinner from previous versions of X-Particles. We can mesh a number of objects including primitives, splines, and particles. Let's explore this object with a few examples. First we're going to replicate the behavior of Cinema 4D's boole object. So on the left here we have the boole and on the right we've just got these objects in place and what we'd like to do is use OpenVDB to create something similar to the result here. I'll hide these objects now and we'll create an OpenVDB mesher and what this is looking for when it's in mesh mode is some sources. So what I'll do is just add in the cube and that's going to mesh the cube and it's pretty quick, looking pretty good. Let's just continue and we'll add the cylinder. Now the cylinder we need to look at the mode that it's using and if we want this to cut out from the cube we need to change that to difference. Now we can add our tube and we're…
