From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Using mograph effectors

Using mograph effectors

- [Instructor] Let's look at how we can use the MoGraph tools in conjunction with X-Particles. So this is a very simple setup. We've got a matrix object and some effectors passing through it. And what I can do is just enable their falloffs and we can see what's going on here. And we'll just turn them off and have a look one by one. So we're using this to just kind of scale up the clones, push them apart. The formula, which is going to then do some nice wave and scale and a little bit of rotation. And then the time is going to do some rotation over time. And you can see them just rotating gently there. And then the random is going to pass through and scale up and do some random movement as well. So combined we get this effect. So I will disable the falloffs for now. Just to clean it up a bit. And so what we ought to do, we're using a matrix just because it's just a bit easier to add as an object. So we'll just add this in to the object field of the emitter. Don't need to worry about…
