From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Using modifiers with falloffs

Using modifiers with falloffs

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we can work with modifiers and their fall offs and if you've used MoGraph or something similar to that you'll be familiar with the concept of fall offs and how we can use them in X-Particles certainly to restrict a modifier's influence on particles and so, let's just see what we've got here and we'll start working with it. So, we've got some particles and they're streaming off in this direction and we've got this really nice turbulence setup and this is looking great. This has an infinite fall off, so it's just going to start immediately acting on the particles. If I were to change this to a different shape, let's just choose a box for example, the particles have to be inside the box for it to have any influence on them, so you see they're just streaming along and then when they pass into the box that's when the turbulence takes hold. So, we'll change that back to infinite because it's quite nice to just see that all evolve and let's just turn…
