From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Newton gravity

Newton gravity

- [Instructor] There's a new mode of the gravity modifier to simulate Newtonian gravity, which allows you to create the effect of particles orbiting an object. So, let's create gravity modifier, and change the type to Newton, and so, what this is doing is, if we just do is press play, nothing's going to happen, because it needs an attractor. So we'll put your planet into the attractors list here, go back to the beginning, and see now, our particles are starting to orbit the planet here. You got to make sure that you've got enough frames in your scene, because simulating a decent elliptical orbit will take some time, and it's also worth noting that this effect is based on the mass of the particles and of the attractor. And so, let's just have a look at the emitter here. We've got, in the extended data, some mass with some variation. Currently, all the work has happened here, in this attractor setting, on the gravity modifier, but we can use the Newton gravity tag. And now, as long as…
