From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Modifiers tab

Modifiers tab

- [Man] Let's continue our look at the X-Particles Emitter with the Modifiers tab. So, in this scene, we've got two systems, System A and System B, and they're going to be doing different things. Now, in System A, we're going to select that emitter, and we'll be in our Modifiers tab. And, let's just press play and see what we've got. I'm going to analyze the scene here. So, it looks like the particles are flowing around, trying to avoid this sphere; but, I don't see any such modifier in the system here. There's some gravity, but that doesn't seem to be taking. They seem to have a lot of turbulent motion, so I wonder what's going on? Well, if we twirl down System B, we can see that there's actually an Avoid modifier, and a Turbulence modifier, and System A is taking on those modifiers. That's because we haven't excluded them from our system, and we haven't restricted the system to only use the modifiers that are in its system. So, let's just look at this Exclude Mode. And, if we drag…
