From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Let's turn our attention to inheritance. And the inheritance modifier is a really, really cool one. And it's really quite simple to set up. But, you need to just know your way around it. So what it's looking for is a target and a target emitter. And so what will happen is, with another emitter that's using the inheritance modifier, it will actually look at the attributes of the target emitter and then inherit those attributes. So, let's just look at an example and it should all become a bit clearer. So this is our target emitter, and our target system here. And what's happening with this is the emitter is just going to be emitting particles on the landscape object, just like so. So we can hide the landscape and we won't need to render it either, so we'll just hide it from view. So there we have it. We've got some nice particles here, they're just emitted onto the landscape, and now we have another system, and this one if we play through is like, what we want to do is…
