From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Changing default settings

Changing default settings

- [Instructor] If like me whenever you create an X-Particles system you immediately turn off the icon in the viewport you can save a few moments of your day by choosing to Edit, Set As Default once you've made that change. It'll ask you to confirm and you press Yes and now if we delete this system and just create a new one, the icon is no longer there. For something like the emitter shape if you want to change that you can't just go in and choose Edit, Set As Default 'cause it will default to the X-Particles Preferences, so what you need to do is come over to Edit, Preferences, in X-Particles change your Emitter Shape to the one you like for example circle and then next time you add a system or even an emitter, it's going to have that circular shape. So, that's a way of using the Cinema 4D defaults and the X-Particles preferences to customize your workflow and then remember that if you want to get that icon back don't worry, just check it again, choose Edit, Set As Default and…
