From the course: Wireshark Essential Training

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Viewing the TCP handshake and teardown

Viewing the TCP handshake and teardown - Wireshark Tutorial

From the course: Wireshark Essential Training

Viewing the TCP handshake and teardown

- [Instructor] So let's step through, the handshake and termination. I'm here on CloudShark, and you can either follow along in CloudShark, or you can go to Export and download the file, and open it in Wireshark. I've opened this capture in Wireshark, and it's almost a perfect example of a complete conversation. I'll scroll up so you can see that it's really a small capture. But let's take a look at the flow graph. We'll go to Statistics. And we'll go to the Flow Graph. And there's no need to filter it because its entire conversation is simply with the client to the server. Now let's take a look at the top three packets. There's where you see your three-way handshake. And then down below we see an exchange of data, and then somewhere in the middle, you see quit and closing connection. So we now know it's time to terminate the session. And the last four packets are where we close the conversation. I'll close…
