From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics

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Working with troubleshooters

Working with troubleshooters

- [Instructor] If you're having a problem with Windows 11, then one of the first things that you might try in an effort to resolve that problem is to run an automated troubleshooter. The idea behind these troubleshooters is that there are several types of problems that are relatively common, and Microsoft has created troubleshooters to automate the solutions to those problems, thereby keeping you from having to manually troubleshoot the problem. So let's take a look at how this works. To get started, I'm going to click on the Start button. From there, I'll go to Settings. Next, I'll click on System. And then I'll scroll down a bit and click on Troubleshoot. So we have a few different options here. The first option is Recommended troubleshooter preference, and you'll notice that this is set by default to ask me before running. So what this means is that if Windows encounter certain types of problems, it might display a…
