From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics

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Running Windows Update

Running Windows Update

- [Instructor] It's easy to think of Windows updates as being security related. After all, we always hear about how important it is to keep Windows up to date as a way of keeping it secure. In truth, however, only some Windows updates are related to security. Oftentimes, updates contain new features or bug fixes. So if you're having problems with Windows, one way that you might be able to resolve those problems is by installing the latest updates, just in case those updates happen to contain a bug fix. So let's take a look at how to run Windows Update. So what I'm going to do is click on the start button. From there, I'll go to settings, then I'll click on Windows Update. Next, I'll click check for updates. And now, we can see that we are up to date because I've checked this particular machine for updates today, but there is a new version of Windows that's available. In this case, that version is 23H2. Now, the interesting…
