From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics

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Resolving common update errors

Resolving common update errors

- [Instructor] Every once in a while you may find that Windows update just doesn't work for whatever reason, and the Windows update troubleshooter is unable to help with the problem. Well, when that happens, there are a few things that you can do to try to resolve the issue. The first thing that I recommend doing is just opening up your web browser and trying to browse the internet. If you're able to browse the internet, then that proves that you have a valid network connection and that DNS name resolution is working, and those are two important elements for making Windows update work. So if your internet connection is working, then the next thing that I recommend doing is just taking a look to make sure that you've got plenty of free disk space. Now, Windows 11, assuming that you're running one of the newer builds, does indeed reserve disk space to be used by Windows update. But it's still a good idea just to make sure…
