From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics

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Reinstalling a Win32 application

Reinstalling a Win32 application

- [Instructor] If you're having trouble with a Win 32 application, then one of the ways that you might be able to fix that problem is by reinstalling the application. So let's take a look at how this process works. I'm going to begin by right clicking on the start button. From there, I'll click on Run. I'll type the word control and I'll click okay. And this is going to open the Legacy control panel. Now, I'm going to click on programs, and then I'll click on programs and features. And this causes Windows to display a list of all of the Win 32 applications that are installed on this system. So for the purposes of this video, I'm going to pretend that I'm having trouble with Adobe Acrobat, and that I want to reinstall it. What I would typically do in a situation like this is to click on the application and then click change. Now, it's worth noting that every application publisher has their own way of doing things so…
