From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics

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Booting into Safe Mode

Booting into Safe Mode

- [Instructor] If you're having trouble getting Windows 11 to boot properly, then one of the first things that I recommend trying is booting Windows into Safe Mode. When you boot Windows into Safe Mode, Windows loads using a minimal set of device drivers, and those device drivers that are used are provided by Microsoft as opposed to being provided by third-party vendors. The idea being that if a bad device driver or an improper video resolution are causing your problems, then booting into Safe Mode will allow you to bypass those device drivers, thereby giving you a chance to fix the problem. So, let's take a look at how to boot Windows into Safe Mode. I'm going to begin by clicking on the Start button. From there, I'll click on Settings. Next, I'm going to make sure that System is selected, and then I'll scroll down and click on Recovery. Next, I'm going to locate the Advanced startup section and then click Restart now. At…
