From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Working with troubleshooters

Working with troubleshooters

- [Instructor] One of the nice features of Windows 11 is that it comes with a built in set of automated troubleshooters, which can help you resolve problems without you having to dig deep into documentation to figure out what's going on. So, to take a look at these troubleshooters, I'm going to go ahead and click on Start and then go to Settings. It defaults to the system settings which can scroll down, and you'll see here there's a selection for Troubleshoot. So, I'm going to click on Troubleshoot, and I want to select this bottom option here which talks about other troubleshooters. Now, it seems like it should, like, maybe give you some troubleshooters and then this is all the rest of 'em, but this is the best way to just get to all the troubleshooters. I think this should just say "All troubleshooters." So, I'm going to click on this, and you'll see I now get a list of troubleshooters ranging from troubleshooting…
