From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Windows startup

Windows startup

- [Instructor] Sometimes an issue you may be having with a Windows 11 system has to do with an application that is running or attempting to run at startup. Now, this would especially hold true in the event that this system has fallen victim to some malware that has been put on your system where it's trying to kick in right when the system is booting hoping that you don't notice it. So I want to take a look here at how you can look for items that are running at startup and how you can manage those items. So on the system, what we're going to do is we're going to right-click, okay, we're going to do the right mouse button on the start menu and then select Run. And in the run window, we're going to type in msconfig and click OK. This will take us into the system configuration utility. And you'll notice there is a tab here that says Startup. Now before I click that tab, I do want to point out that I only took you to this…
