From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

What you should know

- [Instructor] Before getting into this course, there are a couple of things I would like you to know. First of all, I want to talk to you about prerequisites. And the good news is for this course there really is no specific prerequisite knowledge other than maybe some basic Windows 11 knowledge as far as how to navigate the operating system so that as I show you things you can follow along. Speaking of following along, if you want to follow along and do everything I do, you will need two Windows 11 computers in order to do so. On my system here, I'm going to use virtual machines. So you can see, I'm looking at my Hyper-V Manager here. And I have two Windows 11 machines. Bottom one here says Windows 11, and that's the one I will use for the majority of my demonstrations. And I can tell you that there is nothing special about this particular machine other than it has Windows 11 Professional installed on it and with no crazy configuration. The other machine, I have it here, it's called Win 11 Helper, and that is specifically for just a few videos where we talk about remote connections, where we have to be on one machine to go ahead and connect to another machine. And again, that machine has Windows 11 Pro installed on it. So if you want to follow along, for the most part, you only need one Windows 11 machine. And the only thing you won't be able to do in its entirety is do the remote connections. But additionally, I want to mention that I'm using Windows 11 Pro. You don't necessarily have to use that version. You can use any version of Windows 11 and be able to follow along with pretty much everything I do here. The only exception that I want to point out is if you are using Windows 11 Home, then it is possible that some of the interfaces might be slightly different. But I will be honest with you and tell you that in my experience, I do think that the majority of what I'm about to show you works in Windows 11 Home as well as Professional or Enterprise or any of the business editions. All right, so that's what you need to know to go ahead and get started with the course.
