From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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What is slowing down the system?

What is slowing down the system?

- [Instructor] Sometimes when you have a system which is having performance issues, it's running slow. And even after you have looked at the performance monitor to see what area of the system is dragging, the issue you still may have is determining what exactly is the culprit that's causing it to slow down, right? Like what application might be the cause of the system running slow? So there is a place that we can go to try to look up that information and that is the task manager. So to get to the task manager, what we want to do is we want to right click on start, okay? Not the regular left click, but right click. And you get a menu that pops up and you'll notice there's an option here for task manager. So I'm going to click on that and you'll notice that it says I have no running applications 'cause I don't, right? I just have a blank desktop. Nothing's running. But there's an option in the lower left it says more…
