From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Using Remote Assistance

Using Remote Assistance

- [Instructor] Sometimes when you are trying to help somebody troubleshoot their system, it can be very helpful if you could actually connect to their system and see a session of their system so you can see exactly what they see and maybe even get in and do the configuration on their machine for them. Well, Microsoft has a tool built into Windows 11 which can help you do this and that tool is called Remote Assistance. Now, real fast, before I show you how to use Remote Assistance, I do want to point out that there is one change that you might have noticed on my desktop here and that is in the top right, you'll see it says Client. And the reason why is because in order to demonstrate this, I have to have two systems, right? I have to have a system representing the actual person who's having trouble. That would be the client. That's this machine, and you have to have a machine representing the person who's giving the help.…
