From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Rules for troubleshooting Windows 11

Rules for troubleshooting Windows 11

- [Instructor] Before we get into showing specific troubleshooting techniques, I want to first go through some just general best practices when it comes to troubleshooting. So the first thing that I always tell people when it comes to troubleshooting is to keep it simple, right? Use what's called the KIS method, K-I-S, or I have heard people actually refer to it as K-I-S-S, right? The full word KISS, which is "keep it simple, stupid," but I don't want to insult you and call you or anyone else stupid, right. So we're just going to say, keep it simple. More often than not, the obvious answer is the correct answer. There is a tendency as an IT professional to maybe get a little bit bored with the problems that are presented to you. And so, it's kind of human nature to almost want to be a little bit of an alarmist and want to go out and actually say, "Oh I'm going to find the big problem. I'm going to make things…
