From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Repairing a Win32 application

Repairing a Win32 application

- [Instructor] Sometimes if you're having a problem with a win32 application, since we know that it is a somewhat detailed process to completely reinstall, I need you to understand that you don't always have to do a full reinstallation. There is the ability with many applications to be able to go ahead and do a form of a repair option. Now I will tell you before we even go into this that this particular repair option varies from application to application because it is something that is configurable to the actual developer of the application. So let me show you how we would attempt to go in and repair a win32 application. I'm going to go ahead and click on Start and then go to settings. And then over on the left side we're going to click on apps. And on the right side we're going to select apps and features. And here is where I get a list of all applications that are installed on this particular system. So I'm going to…
