From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Removing a buggy update

Removing a buggy update

- [Instructor] Now, even though it tends to usually be a typical troubleshooting step to make sure that your system is completely up-to-date, one thing I'd like you to keep in mind is that sometimes Microsoft will put out a buggy update, okay? An update that causes problems. So if you ever run Windows Update and then your system doesn't seem to want to function correctly, you do have the ability to go ahead and undo that update, and I want to show you that here. Now, first of all, what you're looking at on the screen might look a little bit weird, and the reason why is because you're seeing this small little section here where it says the virtual machine Windows 11 is turned off, and a big blue area here, which is actually my desktop, my own personal machine here in the background. Because what I wanted to tell you is that I'm going to pretend like the machine is off. Maybe I can't even boot into it because of the update.…
