From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Reinstalling a Win32 application

Reinstalling a Win32 application

- [Instructor] In order to reinstall a Win32 application you do have to actually uninstall the application and then do a full reinstallation. So let's take a look at that. I'm going to go ahead and click on Start and then go to Settings, and then we're going to click on Apps, and go to Apps & Features. I have a Win32 app that I have added to my system and it's Adobe Acrobat. Okay, you'll notice that when I click on the three dots to the right of it, I only have the choice to either modify it or uninstall it, okay? We don't have the same options that we have if it's a Windows store app, which we saw we have some advanced options where we can do a reset. In this case, we would truly have to uninstall the application. So if I'm going to reinstall, let's say I'm having a problem with Adobe Acrobat, I have to actually uninstall it and it says this app and related info will be uninstalled. So I'll go ahead and click the…
