From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Fixing boot problems

Fixing boot problems

- [Instructor] One of the most challenging issues to have to troubleshoot when it comes to a Windows computer is if the system won't boot at all. So if you run into this instance, lots of times what people will feel is that the only option they have available to them is to just go ahead and start over, right? Just reformat the hard drive, reinstall the operating system. Well, I want to show you that there are a couple of other options you could go into first using the Windows 11 installation media to assist you. So what we're looking at on the screen is actually the virtual machine that I am using in this course, okay? This is my Windows 11 virtual machine. That's why you see this small little dark window here where it says Start. this blue space, just ignore that. That's just the background of my computer that virtual machine's running on. What I'm going to do is this is a machine that's currently off and we're going to…
