From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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Establishing a remote desktop session

Establishing a remote desktop session

- [Instructor] Before you can use the RDP client to establish a remote desktop connection to another machine, there are certain permissions that have to be configured on that machine. I want to start there and show you this. I'm on my client machine right now, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the start button, and then I'm going to select settings. In the settings, it defaults to system settings where I will scroll down, and you'll see there is an option here for remote desktop. So I'm going to click on the remote desktop settings, and the first thing that has to be set up is right up top here, right? Is it on, right? If I turn that off, right? Disabled remote desktop. If I turn that off, that means now, no one could actually make a remote connection to the system. Okay? We want to go ahead and we want to leave that on. Now, besides turning that on, you'll see there's a little down…
