From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Troubleshooting Basics (2022)

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An introduction to the Event Viewer

An introduction to the Event Viewer

- [Instructor] One of the primary tools that any server administrator will tell you that they use for troubleshooting is a tool that can also be used to help you troubleshoot Windows 11, and that is the Event Viewer, okay? And the use of the event logs. All right, so let's take a look. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to click on start, and I'm going to go ahead and search, just simply putting the word, event, and guess what, takes me right to the Event Viewer. I go ahead and let's blow this up so we can see it. Now here in the Event Viewer, we have a lot of things we can look at. There's some custom views that we could create well as some Windows logs and I'm going to actually expand those Windows logs. Additionally, let me go ahead and move this over a little bit. We have some applications and services logs as well as some subscriptions. Now, here's the thing, this is a basic troubleshooting course, and a lot…
