From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Verifying IP address assignments

Verifying IP address assignments

- [Instructor] If you're having network related problems on a Windows 11 machine, then the very first thing that I recommend that you do as a part of the troubleshooting process is to verify the machine's IP address assignment. Verifying the IP address assignment will allow you to determine whether or not the machine has been able to successfully acquire an IP address from a DHCP server. Now, even if you're not using a DHCP server and you're assigning an IP address statically, you might still want to verify the IP address assignment because very often determining the machine's IP address is the first step in other troubleshooting techniques. So, in order to determine how the machine is configured and what IP address it's using, the first thing that I would recommend doing is to right click on the start button, and then go to run, type control and click okay. And this is going to open the legacy control panel. From there…
