From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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The ping test

The ping test

- [Narrator] If you're having trouble getting a Windows 11 machine to communicate on a network, then one of the simple tests that you can do to narrow down the scope of the problem is something called the ping test. The ping test is really simple. It sends out a packet from your machine to another machine that you specify, and then that other machine responds to the packet. And so you see if the response was received. And if not, then you know that there may be a communication problem between your machine and the machine that you tried to communicate with. So let's take a look at how this works. I'm going to begin by right clicking on the Start button. From there, I'll go to run, I'll type CMD and click Okay. So here we are at the Windows command prompt window, and the way that the ping command works is you just type the word ping, P-I-N-G, followed by the IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the machine…
